Guidelines for Staying Home

Is It A Cold or the Flu?  Should I Send My Child to School?

Guidelines for Staying Home

The flu season is going to be a particularly tough one this year and we are already seeing cases among students and employees in M.S.A.D. No. 75 schools.  If your child is sick, please keep them home until they are better.  Influenza is highly contagious, and the contagious period in children lasts up to 7 days!

The Maine CDC created a quick checklist to help determine if your child might have the flu.




Does your child have a fever of 100 degrees or more without Tylenol or Ibuprofen?



Does your child have a cough?



Does your child have a sore throat?



Does your child have stomach ache or vomiting?



Does your child have body aches, a headache, fatigue, or a runny or stuffy nose?



If you checked YES to a fever of 100 or more, AND any other symptom, then your child may have an influenza-like illness and you should  KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME FOR 24 HOURS AFTER THE FEVER RESOLVES WITHOUT THE USE OF MEDICATION, AND THEY ARE NO LONGER COUGHING UP SECRETIONS.


If you checked YES to only one of the questions in the checklist above, or if your child is ill with other symptoms, then KEEP YOUR CHILD AT HOME FOR AT LEAST ONE DAY TO OBSERVE FOR ADDITIONAL SYMPTOMS.  If additional symptoms develop, use the check list again to decide whether to continue to keep your child at home.



  • Teach your child to cough and sneeze into their elbow, not their hand.
  • Wash your hands often.Use hand sanitizer or wash hands after coughing or sneezing.
  • Practice “social distancing”. If you do have to be around others, avoid close contact.Do not share phones, pens, snacks, chap sticks, and other personal items.

Remember…it’s not too late to get a flu shot.  For more information go to:


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