Building Use Forms

MAMS exterior

Building Use Requests

Outside organization requests::
  • Groups requesting use of MSAD No. 75 facilities must complete and submit a building use request form to the appropriate building administrator or athletic director at least ten (10) working days prior to the use of the facility.  Request may be granted only if student or school- related groups are not using the facility. 

Teacher, administration, and MAMS after school activity requests:
  • All rooms are available for use after 2:45 pam
  • Check the Mt. Ararat Building Use Calendar to see if a classroom or building space has been reserved.
  • School hour use of the library conference room should be made with the school librarians.
  • After school hours use of the library conference room should be made by submitting a building use request form following the steps below.
  • Every attempt will be made to notify teachers if their classrooms have been reserved for after school use.
  • Every attempt will be made to avoid using classrooms directly after school on Thursdays due to after school help.

Building Request Process

1.  Fill out the building use request form at the bottom of this page.
2.  Return the completed building use form to Mrs. Smith in the Guidance Office.
3. Room availability will be checked.
4.  Request will be given to administration for approval.
5. Upon administrative approval a copy of the building use form will be given to head custodian and person making the request.
6.  Request will be documented on the Mt. Ararat Build Use Calendar

Building Use Forms

Click here for a building use request form.

Please click 
here to view the building use fee schedule and insurance requirements.
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